LIVe webinar

A Guide to the Trinidad and Tobago Budget for Civil Society Organisations

Transparency in budgeting allows citizens and civil society organisations to see how public money is gathered and spent. By analysing the information, they can better monitor critical issues, participate in public policy discussions, and increase government accountability.

The problem? Trinidad and Tobago’s budget doesn’t score well on international indexes for transparency. CSOs and professionals therefore need help understanding available budget data and figuring out how to use that information to their advantage.

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What we’ll cover

This webinar will help civil society organisations, community-based organisations, academic and legal professionals, journalists, lobby groups, and local business trade organisations, find and understand the information within the national budget that is relevant to them.

We have invited one of the country’s leading experts on the national budget to discuss the issues pertinent to civil society including…

  • How Civil Society Organisations and professionals can leverage budget data for research, advocacy, and fundraising...

  • What budget allocations tell you about government’s priorities and the mistakes CSOs need to avoid making when reviewing the Budget Statement...

  • How CSOs can benefit from deeper engagement with the national budget and practical advice for gaining more influence in the budget process…

  • How revenues and expenditures really work, and how to read the Budget as a CSO...

  • What the Budget timeline and budget process reveal about the ideal opportunity for CSOs...

Ready to learn?

This free webinar on February 9, 2021 at 10 a.m. will also teach CSOs how to use budget data to structure proposals so they have a higher chance of getting attention.

Register now — it’s completely free.

Meet our presenter: